Learn all about how to roast a s'more to deliver a gooey marshmallow that will melt your chocolate and deliver those Instagram ready moments to show your friends.

Here at VVS EVENTS we have produced Fall, Winter and Holiday themed events where we incorporate S'more roasting stations and found that many of the guests in attendance either had never roasted a S'more or simply didn't achieve that perfect S'more they were looking for. Outside of camping or maybe some occasional backyard fun, when are you able to perfect the craft of roasting a s'more over an open flame?! Who can teach you?!
S'more roasting at our events has quickly become a trend and we thought, 'hey, let's just put this out there and help our guests and Event Squad get an immersive tutorial on S'more roasting'. And while we haven't attended school for this specifically, after being in contact with over 8,000 S'mores, we are somewhat experts on the do's and don'ts of 'S'moring'.
I'd like to add that there really isn't a wrong way to roast a S'more!Yet, If you are looking for that melted center that is going to spread all over your graham cracker sandwich that melts your chocolate, you've come to the right place.
A S'mores is a dessert sandwich made popular in North America. Generally cooked over a campfire, however during the majority of our activations, we use a fire pit. If you are looking for an authentic experience, camping is the way to go.
A S'more is created by stacking a roasted marshmallow and a square of chocolate together between two graham crackers.
You'll want to have a small prep area. If you are camping, then it might end up being your lap, however if you are at a VVS event you will be handed a premade kit. The kit will have everything you need including all of your ingredients. Once received, you will be directed to the table next to your fire pit. There you should insert your stick into the short side of the marshmallow, or two, until 1 inch of the stick is exposed. You will want to have your graham cracker and chocolate ready, when the marshmallow is finished you will need a place for it.

We suggest using the 30-inch sticks to perfectly roast your marshmallow because you will need to spend 3-5 minutes fairly close to the flame. The 30-inch sticks allow you to hover your marshmallow over the flame without having to reach your arm into the fire- perfect for every age. You will want to keep your marshmallow towards the top of the flame and refrain from allowing the marshmallow to catch fire. Once you have found the roasting 'sweet spot' you will want to rotate your stick rotisserie-style until the marshmallow no longer rotates with the stick. The marshmallow no longer rotating with the stick is a sign that the inside of the marshmallow is soft, gooey and ready-to-serve.

If you want your marshmallow more golden brown, you will want to lower your marshmallow slightly closer to the flame to achieve the color you would prefer.

If you are a person who wants a slightly charred marshmallow, you will want to lower the marshmallow even lower until it catches fire. Once on fire, lift it out, rotate the marshmallow around to move the fire around to the un-charred areas until you've achieved your desired level. This method is difficult as the marshmallow will be sliding on your stick; however, it will melt your chocolate faster once paired together.
Now that your marshmallow is roasted to perfection, stack your chocolate onto 1 graham cracker. Place your marshmallow on top of the chocolate. After placing your marshmallow onto the chocolate, use your additional cracker and pull the marshmallow off of the stick. Eat and enjoy!

To enjoy a premier roasting experience follow VVS Events on social media to see when our next event will be or contact us to have us bring S'mores to your private or local community event!
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FB: EventswithVVS